Sunday, April 5, 2009

Grandkids Visit

Brianna and Mike came to visit a couple weeks ago and so enjoyed having them around. My quiet house sure wasn't quiet. I was able to take a couple days off. We just stayed around the house, had Les and the girls over for dinner, did some shopping and out to lunch, had a few friends over to scrapbook, and went to a park. These are a few pictures from the park.

Kalen is getting so vocal!! And so cute. She can walk around the furniture and loves to eat.

Tyler is getting so big and still on the go all the time. He can kick the soccer ball around the field non stop!


Brianna said...

We had fun when we were there! Hope to get there again this summer!

bob said...

Kids look great-bet they had fun with Grandma Jan. Hope to see more pictures at Easter. GGrandma & GG Byar..